Garlic Parmesan Potato Wedges and Spicy Garlic Sriracha Dip

It seems to be my new habit that when I’m not sure what to make for dinner, I curl up in the recliner with my iPad and scroll through the Tasty app, waiting for something to catch my attention. Thus it was that I found this potato wedges recipe. The dip recipe I found via Google search. I don’t really like dipping sauce with potato wedges so I found something I knew Jeff would like.

The recipe
Wedges: Garlic Parmesan Potato Wedges from

Sauce: Spicy Garlic Sriracha Dip from She really buries the lead and puts the recipe way down the page so, for expediency, I will just include it here:

2 cups mayonnaise
2 tbsp sriracha
2 tbsp dried, minced garlic
3/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp curry powder

In a medium bowl combine ingredients. Cover and refrigerate.

Ingredient changes
The recipe didn’t specify what kind of potatoes to use so I got baking potatoes, expecting to get nice big wedges. This was one of those eyes-are-bigger-than-any-bowl-you-have scenarios. Next time I try wedges, I’ll get regular white potatoes so that the wedge slices are more reasonably sized.

As for the sauce, I couldn’t find dried, minced garlic so I just used garlic powder… I just watched the video again to see what they actually use and it’s garlic powder. I can’t decide if I want to face-palm or eye-roll.

Quick aside, I’m going to have to buy a spice rack for no other reason than all the new spices I had to buy for these recipes.

A top-down shot of a bowl filled with ingredients for the potato wedges breading. Each ingredient is piled separately from the others, waiting to be stirred. Beside the bowl sits 3 measuring spoons.Ease (or not) of prep
Both recipes fall into the dump-stuff-in-a-bowl-and-stir category so they were pretty easy to put together. Egg wash is always messy but I’m pretty sure I would gladly trade a little mess for a faster meal.

I have a few glass jars kicking around so I used one of those to store the dip. Easy peasy.

Garlic sriracha dipping sauceThe Boyfriend Test: Pass and pass
Jeff said the wedge breading was really flavourful and the dip wasn’t too spicy but still pretty good. Well, he didn’t actually say that in particular. It went more like this:

Me: How is it?
Jeff: Good.
Me: How’s the wedges?
Jeff: Really good.
Me: You like the breading?
Jeff: Yeah, it’s good.
Me: How’s the dip?
Jeff: Good.
Me: Spicy?
Jeff: Not really. Good though.

He’s a man of few words but they’re usually the right ones.

A white plate is piled with lightly browned potato wedges.Picky Eater Test: Fail and not applicable
I, on the other hand, wasn’t a big fan of the wedges. I think I’m not a fan of chili flakes so they overwhelmed my palette. I’m a big fan of potato wedges though, and I like the idea of Parmesan cheese in the breading, so I’ll likely look for another recipe to try.

As for the dip, I think pepper is spicy so I didn’t even try it.

This dip has inspired me to try making my own dressings and sauces. My aunt makes an excellent homemade Caesar dressing and Jeff’s brother made a delicious Alfredo last weekend. Jeff enjoys a hearty garden salad so perhaps the first one I’ll try is a balsamic vinaigrette. Now to find a recipe… to the internet!